Kurodoko puzzle

Many unique puzzles were published on the pages of the Japanese magazine Nikoli. One of them is Kurodoko (黒くろどこ). It is a representative of classic logic games, which are played on a rectangular field divided into cells - just like Sudoku, Hitori, Shikaku, Heyawake, and many other games of the Land of the Rising Sun.
Game history
Unfortunately, the authorship of Kurodoko is unknown. It was sent to the publisher by one of the anonymous readers. The game was first published in the 34th issue of Puzzle Communication Nikoli magazine in June 1991, and quickly gained popularity among its subscribers.
But since in the early 90s this magazine constantly published new puzzles, Kurodoko quickly got lost among them and was not included in the gold fund, although it had all the prerequisites for this.
It is worth noting that Nikoli is not just the world's largest publisher of puzzles, but also the founder of several new game genres that emerged from the early 80s to the mid-90s of the last century. Over the 44 years of its existence, the magazine has fully explored the topic of logic games and popularized them throughout the world. Under their leadership, hundreds of books dedicated to logic puzzles were published, including books with Kurodoko games .
Another version of the game's name - Kuromasu (黒くろマス) - is an abbreviation for "Kuromasu wa doko da?", which translates from Japanese as "Where are the black cells?". This fully corresponds to the goals and objectives of the puzzle, in which the player is required to correctly place black cells on the field based on numerical designations.
Start playing Kurodoko (Kuromasu) right now, for free and without registration! We believe you will succeed!